I am a freelance coding architect with a solid record of squaring difficult circles. During the recent years of my career, I have been spearheading the introduction and the application of Event-driven architecture paradigm across multiple industry verticals, taking a hands-on approach to designing and building event-driven systems that run in Azure as well as On-premise.With extensive full-stack development experience, excellent knowledge of software architecture paradigms, architectural and design patterns, software engineering methods and coding practices, I make up a versatile coding architect, who can work strategically with business and development teams to articulate the business needs as well as take a hands-on approach to designing and developing innovative solutions that meet business requirements. Personally, I find it humbly fascinating that we are here today, believing that we are now doing it right despite the knowledge of yesterday.
Milos er den klassiske schweizerkniv man ønsker at have i de fleste ansatte. Initielt blev Milos tilknyttet et afgrænset projekt som arkitekt, men påtog sig rollen som interim CTO da produktet havde behov for det. Milos brede og dybe faglighed, lange erfaring samt villighed og evne til at påtage sig svære opgaver var en stor hjælp og gjorde ham til toneangivende samlingspunkt for projektets faglige domæneviden.
Lasse Wulff Hansen
North Media A/S

As an external consultant, Milos has been part of our development team for the past 2 and a half years. During that time, Milos has proved to be both sharp, skilled and highly productive. In addition, he aims for high quality solutions and generally helps to push everyone in a sensible direction. Milos is able to talk to both non-technical and technical stakeholders and delivers well-documented work. I can highly recommend Milos for positions matching his profile.
Michael Happel Olsen
Digital development manager
Patent and Trademark Office

You can count on Milos. He has very high technical skills and naturally becomes the go-to-guy in every project, that he participates in. He is a very skilled architect and developer and does everything in his power to deliver as promised. He is the one you just love to be on the same team with 🙂
Kim Bjørn Tiedemann
Schultz Information